Thanks for joining!#

Here are some links that might be useful for you :)


If you are working neuroimaging research, make sure to join the neurostars forum. It’s a great place for Q&A in the neuroimaging world!


Do you want to visit more workshops and learn from peers in a friendly environment? Then make sure to not miss out on upcoming brainhacks!


Markus Dreier from research IT and Johannes Wiesner from the CSP-group have worked on an Ubuntu image over the last months. This image contains all the research software you need (so you don’t have to install everything from scratch) and saves you a lot of struggles that most people (especially in neuroimaging) research encounter on Windows. It’s also possible to create your own standard image for your working group, so new members automatically get all the software that your team uses. More information on that here

Create a standardized conda environment#

In case you are using Python & R for your data analysis: The TCY repo can help you with creating your personalized conda environment with all the packages that you need for your research. All you need to do is to create a spreadsheet file with the packages you want and TCY will create a recipe for you to quickly set up your conda environment :)

Create a docker image for your group#

If you joined the containerization workshop, then check out neurodocker. This project aims to provide an easier way to create personalized Docker containers. The CSP-group is already using neurodocker behind the scenes in their csp_docker repo.

Nisupply helps you dealing with unstructured datasets#

Every encountered a situation where you were handed over a very messy dataset? Nisupply can help you with finding files of interest and bring them in a more structured format so your data analysis becomes less frustrating.